How can I force text to appear on a new line with DH_SubtitleX?
When editing the subtitle text in DH_SubtitleX, pressing Return will remove the text cursor and end editing on that field. To force a new line in the subtitle text it is necessary to press Option-Return.
Is it possible to automate the creation of subtitles with DH_SubtitleX?
This is possible by using the third party application, X-Title Importer from Spherico (version 1.8 or later) which can convert many subtitle formats into a Final Cut Pro X timeline while still getting the benefits of DH_SubtitleX.
Can the DH_ReincarnationX crosshairs be hidden when setting the dead pixel position?
The on-screen crosshair graphics will be shown if DH_ReincarnationX is selected in the Video Inspector. So to hide them, simply deselect DH_ReincarnationX (clicking on the Effects heading is an easy way), and you’ll still be able to set the dead pixel position using the parameter controls.
How do I uninstall a plug-in?
Plug-ins have two components: The FxPlug which does all the work and the Motion Template which provides a bridge between the FxPlug and Final Cut Pro X.
FxPlugs (e.g. DH_BoxX.fxplug folder) are located at
Macintosh HD/Library/Plug-Ins/FxPlug
Motion templates (e.g. DH_BoxX folder) are located at:
Home/Movies/Motion Templates/Effects/Digital Heaven
Home/Movies/Motion Templates/Generators/Digital Heaven
Plug-ins can be uninstalled by moving both of their folders to the trash.
Which fonts are available in DH_CounterX and DH_SubtitleX?
Due to historical limitations between FxPlug plug-ins and Final Cut Pro X, DH_CounterX and DH_SubtitleX uses the following fixed list of standard fonts. Custom installed fonts will not be usable by these plug-ins.
- Andale Mono
- Arial
- Arial Italic
- Arial Bold
- Arial Bold Italic
- Arial Black
- Arial Narrow
- Arial Narrow Italic
- Arial Narrow Bold
- Arial Narrow Bold Italic
- Arial Rounded MT Bold
- Baskerville
- Baskerville Italic
- Baskerville SemiBold
- Baskerville SemiBold Italic
- Baskerville Bold
- Baskerville Bold Italic
- Charcoal CY
- Cochin
- Cochin Italic
- Cochin Bold
- Cochin Bold Italic
- Comic Sans MS Bold
- Copperplate Light
- Copperplate
- Copperplate Bold
- Courier
- Courier Oblique
- Courier Bold
- Courier Bold Oblique
- Courier New
- Courier New Italic
- Courier New Bold
- Courier New Bold Italic
- Devanagari MT
- Devanagari MT Bold
- Didot
- Didot Italic
- Didot Bold
- Euphemia UCAS
- Euphemia UCAS Italic
- Euphemia UCAS Bold
- Futura Medium
- Futura Medium Italic
- Futura Condensed Medium
- Futura Condensed ExtraBold
- Geneva
- Gill Sans Light
- Gill Sans Light Italic
- Gill Sans
- Gill Sans Italic
- Gill Sans Bold
- Gill Sans Bold Italic
- HeadLineA Regular
- Helvetica Light
- Helvetica Light Oblique
- Helvetica
- Helvetica Oblique
- Helvetica Bold
- Helvetica Bold Oblique
- Helvetica CY Plain
- Helvetica CY Oblique
- Helvetica CY Bold
- Helvetica CY BoldOblique
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic
- Helvetica Neue Light
- Helvetica Neue Light Italic
- Helvetica Neue
- Helvetica Neue Italic
- Helvetica Neue Medium
- Helvetica Neue Bold
- Helvetica Neue Bold Italic
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Black
- Kefa Regular
- Kefa Bold
- Lucida Grande
- Lucida Grande Bold
- Marker Felt Thin
- Marker Felt Wide
- Menlo Regular
- Menlo Italic
- Menlo Bold
- Menlo Bold Italic
- Monaco
- Optima Regular
- Optima Italic
- Optima Bold
- Optima Bold Italic
- Optima ExtraBlack
- Tahoma
- Tahoma Bold
- Times Roman
- Times Italic
- Times Bold
- Times Bold Italic
- Times New Roman
- Times New Roman Italic
- Times New Roman Bold
- Times New Roman Bold Italic
- Trebuchet MS
- Trebuchet MS Italic
- Trebuchet MS Bold
- Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
- Verdana
- Verdana Italic
- Verdana Bold
- Verdana Bold Italic